Posts tagged Lexington Art League
What a Weekend

I felt giddy this whole past weekend and kept saying to myself, "Oh my gosh-I'm at Woodland Art Fair!”  I remember walking it when I was little and being mesmerized by all the colors, texture, and creativity.  At that time, I had no idea that I would one day participate.  Everything about it was fabulous...well, besides my voice going away on Sunday.  Otherwise, the weather was ideal, the Lexington Art League did an amazing job, and I got to see familiar, new, and friendly faces.  I deeply appreciate all the support and kind words that everyone gave.  One young woman said, “I don't usually journal, but I would if I had something this lovely."  Yes!  Another young woman is having me make a custom journal for her dear friend whose twin brother passed five years ago.  I am all too familiar with this sort of experience.   She continued to say that her friend feels him close when she dances.  Her friend was there with quite tears falling.  It was one of those beautiful connecting moments where they then began telling me all the things that represent him and their relationship so I can be sure to include it on the journal.  It was so good getting to meet and talk with them.  So many beautiful moments filled the weekend.  Truly, thank you all for filling up my booth and taking some time to share yourselves with me.