Posts tagged ReImagined by Luna
Handbound Leather Journey Journal

"Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings.” 

Ky Crafted 2016

Ky Crafted: The Market is such a fun show and tends to kick off my festival season each year.  I love being able to share new designs and get feedback.  Because we've just finished up the winter, its a great place to see everyone again and meet new folks as well.  The first day is always for wholesale, and I met some new buyers this year as well as saw ones that I've been working with for awhile.  You can view the stores that my work is available in under "retailers".  Saturday and Sunday is retail.  There were around 200 artists, KY Proud food, and a stage with music.  If you missed it this year, mark your calendar for next year.  Thanks to everyone who came out!!

These girls were so excited to each have their own journal.  They were delightful!

This little one is a daughter of a regular customer who has quite a collection of journals, including one that his wife had me make him for their anniversary.  His daughter seem to take notice for the first time and was pretty enchanted with them all.

Chattanooga 2013

My first outside show of the year was at the 4 Bridges Art Festival in Chattanooga, TN.  I fell in love with that place--the people were so friendly, there were local businesses everywhere, and fun art was all over.  I had just enough extra time to fit in some tasty restaurants and check out some cute, new boutiques. I stayed at a hostel, Crashpad, and was able to walk to and from the show.  It was all so fabulous!


The Craft Report Magazine: Bluegrass State goes Green

I'm so excited to announce that there is a write-up about ReImagined by Luna in the Craft Report Magazine!!  Thanks to Emily Moses of the KY Arts Council for writing it.  It features me along with another KY artist, Jason Cohen, to promote the upcoming KY Crafted: The Market, which is a wholesale and retail show.  Read the article here:  The Crafts Report Digital Edition - March 2013


Ever Ours {A Marriage Journal}

A couple months ago, I received an email from a previous customer who had seen this custom marriage book.  The customer was about to celebrate his first wedding anniversary and wanted to get a custom-made book as a surprise for his wife.  His plan was to copy their vows into the front pages and then write notes, thoughts, and such to each other as they choose. The cover itself was inspired by their wedding and symbols that are meaningful to them.  Their wedding colors were black, red, and white.  He asked that I include Beethoven's famous quote "Ever mine, ever thine, ever ours" on it.  He also requested that the Irish Claddagh be used in some manner (he proposed with a Claddagh ring and has an Irish heritage).  Below is the collaboration of his ideas and my translation.  The leathers are in their wedding colors with the quote on the back, and the Claddagh is part of the closure.  When I presented it to him, he was so excited with the outcome and sharing it with his wife.

More and More Festivals

I got in late last night from a one day art festival in Columbus, OH.  I'm taking a quick breath before heading to another art show this coming weekend in Louisville, KY.  Each show has its quirks and perks and never ceases to be filled with quality people.  It's those small nuances and meeting new folks and seeing regular customers again that make it fun.  Here is a quick tour from this past month...

Starting in Evanston, IL at the Lakeshore Arts Festival:

This is how I pass time while driving.

View from my booth.  I was excited to be so close to Lake Michigan for the weekend!

Woodland Arts Festival here in Lexington, KY:

I use to go to this arts show when I was little and was enchanted with all the art and artists.  It's really fun to be one of the artists exhibiting now.  I also love that it is in my hometown.  I seriously saw people that I haven't seen in years...including (but not limited to) two of my babysitters from over twenty-five years ago.

Some of my friends who belly danced with Mecca. 

Most of these Woodland photos are courtesy of my friend, Jason Souders.

Art in Speed Park in Sellersburg, IN:

This is a such a sweet show with high quality artists.  It's nice that it was on the heels of Woodland because it is small enough to give the artists a chance to chat and catch our breath while still "working".  Work is relative anyway, right?  The more I tell myself that I am "playing", the more fun I have "working". 

Upper Arlington in Columbus, OH:

This one day show was on Labor Day, and speculations kept saying to beware of rain and potentially getting washed out.  Somehow, we were by-passed.  It drizzled a bit at one point, but it was overcast and dry.  It was my first time at this show, and I definitely enjoyed it. 

New designs that premiered in Columbus!  More on these later...

Choosing to be Grateful {Gratitude Journal}

"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way"–Native American Saying

This is an email that I received from a customer that I met recently.  I was so inspired by her recognizing her need to keep a gratitude journal that I asked if I could share this with you all.  Here is the email:

Dear Melissa,

I am so happy to have met you. I was literally drawn into your booth! I was in the middle of a sentence talking to my husband and writing something down for him when I stopped talking, handed him the paper, and walked into your booth! That has never happened to me before. I purchased one of your beautiful upcycled books-one with the cover from a Reader's Digest. I just love the idea of re-using covers - inspired!

While I was there, I told you about books by Rhonda Byrne. Her third one, The Magic, is a kind of "workbook" for gratitude. It's fabulous. After looking around on your web site, I know that you already live your life the way that is described in Rhonda Byrne's books. You talk about intentions and gratefulness. I love the idea of "imaginal cells" - thanks for sharing that.

I used to journal about what was going on in my life, but found that I focused on the bad stuff, the annoying things and what I was worried about. I could never go back and read stuff because it just made me feel bad. One of the exercises in The Magic is to write, first thing in the morning 10 things that you are grateful for. It's wonderful. It puts me a good mood and if I need an extra boost, I can go back and read pages and pages of things that I am grateful for. I will be filling my new journal with  happy thoughts - one of which is finding Re-Imagined by Luna!

Bluegrass Boogaloo Interview

Here is an excerpt from my interview with Bluegrass Boogaloo:

Apart from creating things, what do you do? / Is creating art your full-time job, or do you work outside of creating these magnificent items?
I create full-time, over-time, most of the time.  I also write and read quite a bit while enjoying a cup of hot tea.  I love frolicking through the woods, camping beneath the stars, and watching the moon’s travels.  I look for adventures on a somewhat regular basis, dance frequently, and research whatever pops in my head.

Please describe your creative process.
Oh, well, this changes frequently.  I have several lines of work now and tend to create what I need to fill orders, re-stock, etc.  Then, *bam*, inspiration happens and I’m researching new shapes and histories on certain images and creating something new.  This inspiration is more directly sought after when it comes to custom orders as I am working with a deadline; however, I appreciate the challenge and continue to be surprised at how fabulously it keeps “working”.

Check out the whole interview here.

Refilling Bound Journals

I've been asked often "What happens once my hand-bound journal is filled up? Is there a way to refill it?" While there has always been that option, I am officially making it easier than ever.  You can now go to my shop and purchase refill options for either your large or medium leather journal.  If you have another type of journal that I've made that you would like me to refill, please do not hesitate to contact me.  You can also purchase the "rebind text block" option if you would like.  This would be in addition to the refill for your journal.  Let me explain:  The old pages have to be cut out of your journal before I can sew new ones in.  If you don't want to keep these pages or aren't concerned too much with them, this is not something you will want.  However, if you want to keep those old pages and want them sewn so they stay neatly together, I can do that.  You'll want to purchase the refill and the rebind text block option.  As always, let me know if you have any questions.

A Collaborative Project:

These particular inside planners are a local, collaborative effort. The layout design was created by Rebecca Wheat of Lily of the Valley. She is awesome...just so you know. They were then printed by a local printing shop (Beaugraphics-these guys rock). I then created these covers, and some of the glass beads are made by an artist friend, Cee Thompson of Illume Jewelry Design. While they've been a work in progress for quite some time, I'm excited with how they've turned out. Also, they are a limited series so get them while you can. They are 4.5 x 6.75 inches. Oh, yes-and refillable!


And some are even created from coffee bags!  Go here to see more examples.

Green Sea Turtle

I was asked to create a custom piece featuring a sea turtle. I had to do a bit of research to do so and discovered some pretty fascinating aspects, especially the way they are shaped. The customer was correct in asserting that the pattern on the back echos a labyrinth. It was fun discovering how intricate I could get while still maintaining a clean, minimalist look.

Holidays in the Studio

I got inspired tonight amidst various orders and, of course, a long to-do list.  The inspiration started here, which I saw last week.  I guess those ideas have been simmering in my head somewhere.  All I know is that I was finishing up an order like any other evening. Before long, I'm getting all these text blocks of books together and deciding how I'm going to turn them into a Christmas tree.  I found an extra string of lights, made a paper star top, and hung my mini book ornaments.  It's the first time I've ever had a Christmas tree in my studio, and I'm actually pretty excited about it.  Happy Holidays to me!



Last Minute Local Shows!


  • Where: MS Rezny Gallery 903 Manchester St.
  • When:   Thursday, December 15th from 4-6:30pm
  • What:    There will be various artists showing and selling their work.  No admission and light refreshments will be served.  




  • Where:  The Tibbetts House 4009 Hillside Drive 40514
  • When:   Wednesday, December 14th from 6-9pm       
  •              Sunday, December 18th from 2-6p           
  •  What:  AmandaMade and ReImagined by Luna present two shopping events for all your Christmas shopping needs!

AmandaMade jewelry offers a large variety of handmade jewelry including wire wrapped pendants, rings, bracelets, and necklace sets. Custom orders placed will be ready in time for Christmas.

Invite your friends :

Personalized Noteables

For those of you who do not yet know, Noteables are journals that are made with roof from the RCA Dome.  I happened upon People for Urban Progress (PUP) a couple of years ago and began learning about this material.  The RCA Dome was an Indianapolis landmark between 1984-2008. Upon demolition ofthis structure, PUP arranged for the salvage of approximately thirteen acres (about 90%) of the roof material.  PUP was already creating other products out of the Dome roof, and I asked if I could try making books.  Since that time, I've created over 500 books in partnership with PUP.  Those pictured below are plain covers with elastic closures.  They are all handbound and have 96 recycled pages in them.  They cost $24, and I will hand-stitch intials for an additional $7.  You can also pick from a variety of thread colors.   These would make great Christmas gifts!  Get your orders in ASAP to make sure it is completed in time.


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."      - Melody Beattie

I have felt floods of gratefulness.  They have been coming in waves over the past several months.  I was driving to one art show in August and realized how deeply grateful I am.  It was almost like a light coming on:  I am so grateful.  I am learning and growing and moving forward and getting to do work that I consider play.  I am supported by strangers and friends and acquaintances.  I am thankful for healing and the continuation that it is and truth and it's ability to continue to make itself known.  I'm thankful for people who have been good medicine and the various forms that has taken.