Posts tagged leather journal
Labyrinth Journals

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” -Jeremiah 6:16

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol based on the spiral. While there are many layered meanings, I most simply see it as a walking prayer. It is one path in and one path out. While a maze is a puzzle and designed to get your lost, a labyrinth is a clear path and you need only keep taking each step in front of you. Walking towards the center is a reflection of looking inward and the path back out symbolizes re-engaging with those around you. Both are important. Many have used it for centering and meditation. This particular design is from ancient Crete, the oldest labyrinth design (besides an actual spiral).

I’m glad to be able to offer these and keep being reminded that our lessons are layered like these curves are. We start on the outer and think we have finished that understanding as we move forward, but we actually keep coming back to it, to a deeper understanding. It doesn’t necessarily mean we didn’t get it the first time...there are just more layers to it all.

May these assist you well as you walk your path. Patches created by The Chemical Marriage

Winter Wizarding Waltz of 2017

This past weekend, I got to participate in the Winter Wizarding Waltz.  It was put on by Lexpecto Patronum- The Lexington Harry Potter Alliance.  It was Harry Potter themed with attire focused on the 1920's (thanks to Fantastic Beasts).  I enjoyed creating some speciality items for this show including wizard pouches complete with a scroll, quill, and potion bottle.  Between the music and dancing and costumes and food, it truly was a magical evening.

*Thanks to Jennifer Miller for the last two photos

Honesty - Custom Leather Journal with Handmade Paper
“At birth we are red-faced, round, intense, pure. The crimson fire of universal consciousness burns in us. Gradually, however, we are devoured by our parents, gulped by schools, chewed up by peers, swallowed by social institutions, wolfed by bad habits, and gnawed by age; and by that time we have been digested, cow style, in those six stomachs, we emerge a single disgusting shade of brown. The lesson of the beet, then, is this: hold on to your divine blush, your innate rosy magic, or end up brown. Once you’re brown, you’ll find that you’re blue. As blue as indigo. And you know what that means, Indigo. Indigoing. Indigone.”
-Tom Robbins

Custom Intuitive Leather Journal for a Man's Journey

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” ― Rumi

I was asked to create this journal intuitively. I kept getting the image of a partial tree and a subtle spiral. In the midst of creating it, the guy I was creating it for told me that it was going to be his mirror journal--a place for him to reflect on his strong responses to others and what those responses were showing him about himself. The partial tree signifies that we may only see part of a the picture until we take time to sit and be quiet with what is happening. Also, trees symbolize reaching to me--reaching upward for help and higher expression and reaching down and inward towards centering and rooting. The spiral represents the path we are on and how we keep encountering the same lessons, but from a different perspective because we are further along the path when they come back around. I hope this journal assists him well as he continues this work.

Extra Thick Custom Leather Travel Journal

Pilgrims are poets who create by taking a journey. -Richard Niebuhr

This extra thick book was created for a couple who wanted a journal/scrapbook to record all their adventures in. They stopped in Lexington on their way back home to Illinois from Gattlinburg, TN, where they had hiked and found some great wood pieces. The husband is a woodworker so he made the wood piece that is part of the closure. This is something that they want to be an heirloom and are excited to add to each year. Their initials are hand-stitched on the side.


Custom Refillable Journal with Jacob Sheep Horn Closure

This is a Custom Large Refillable Journal created from reclaimed leather and a very special closure. It closes with a button made from one of the customer's Jacob sheep horns. She is a shepherdess to that breed and wanted to include a piece of her in the book. It turned out so lovely, and she even sent me a couple extra to use, which was very cool of her. 

Here is what she had to say about it: "A great job on this custom made journal! Melissa used one of my sheep horn buttons for part of the closure. Such a nice touch to what will be a daily used item. Highly recommend this shop! THANK YOU!!!"

Love You For Free

“Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won't adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet. That would mean that security is out of the question. The words "make" and "stay" become inappropriate. My love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free.”

― Tom Robbins, Still Life With Woodpecker
Girl on Fire

Sending this refillable journal off to a sweet friend today!  She has just gone through a major move and has an exciting new job.  She wanted a journal that she could carry around at work while still being a symbol of empowerment.  She decided to go with red because it felt bold and that is what she is trying to be more of.  I found a gold closure of a lotus and added the goddess figure inside to remind her to be true to herself.  As I was creating it, I kept thinking of the Alicia Key's song "Girl on Fire".  This is for all your new-found fire, Steph!

Compass Leather Journal

"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." -Jeremiah 6:15

This handmade, leather journal has a compass stitched to the cover.  The cover is from scrap leather and the inside pages are 100% recycled, archival, and blank.  This was commissioned as a thank you gift.  It is intended to be used as a travel journal and as a haven for the recipient's thoughts and reflections.

With love for Rwanda

This book was created for a lady who is heading to Rwanda this summer to meet her adopted son. Her circumstance is quite unique and she is planning on making annual trips there. This journal is meant to accompany her and allow her to record her story. It is created from repurposed leather and archival, recycled paper. The lettering is handstitched, and the book is handbound.